لا اعلم لماذا كتبت تلك المدونة باللغة الانجليزية ولكن ما اعلمه جيد ااا انه تعبر بقوة عما بنفسى تجاه ما يحدث في بلدنا وان كانت بغير لساننا
Unforgettable Sins of AMERICA
Baghdad, 21st of march 2003, few minutes before midnight, zobayyda an Iraqi female has made its last scream before giving birth to Ali
Few minutes later the building was among the first ones bombed by the American Air Force in the beginning of the operation called “ the SHOCK &terror “ to – as the American administration claimed – liberate Iraq from the tyrant regime led by Saddam Hussein. 9 hours later, Ali was the only survivor of the building .Ali for his dramatic fate has become orphan since his first moment in the life. Especially, that his father is out of reach since the 9th of April the day Baghdad has fallen in the hands of the so-called allied forces.
Ali’s fate was dramatically connected to the occupation when his father was recognized in the first photos released about the
Notorious abo ghareb jail. Rashed hawary’s human rights was severely violated, he was obliged to appear naked in many photos taken by the inhumane American soliders. The American soliders killed their time by killing all the humane customs and conventions. Putting your feelings in consideration, I can’t go on narrating more of these terrible violations.
Still in haroon al rashed homeland, Abeer Genaby only 16 years old, was rabed by 6 free human American soliders at a black night in March 2006. Fearing that their crime can be revealed, the soliders attacked the victim’s house, killing all her family in a shameful massacre. The attack was put in the frame of chasing a member of terrorist group. after the scandal details was revealed, the American forces offered 100 thousand dollars as a compensation to Abeer Family but the response was NO , Abeer’s uncle said that his relief is to see the soliders hanged adding that is his the real revenge he wait.
The American soliders not only rape the Iraqi land but extend its rape to the Iraqi bodies whether men or women…it’s not different. Raping itself is the objective
To similar circumstances, but out of Iraq…Mohamed Taha, a promising student in Gaza preparatory school was obliged to leave his education, go to search for a job to help his family who cant afford its life.
Financial resources have decreased dramatically due to the Israeli siege on Gaza. Mohamed Taha was regarded as genius boy among his colleagues, but now you have to great him by saying “OSTA Mohamed “as his current job is a mechanic assistant
Osama, Hend, Moataz, Noha, Mansour …Sorry my brothers your stories are very touchable than such a mention in my humble articles.
BUT WHAT MORE???? The United States of America sorry, the unforgettable sins of America has violated all the slogans it always calls for. After 4 years of occupation the situation in Iraq has deteriorated severely to the extent that we may witness a civil war in the coming months. The so called liberating operation led to nothing except to more tyranny, violence and violations of human rights. The only change - to be honest – is the actors themselves. Nowadays the violence is derived out of the American and shi’ .
Another issue is the situation in Palestine and the dilemma of Hammas government. Although the so called united states of America has supported free elections in Palestine and urged hammas to participate .it changed its attitude completely when the results wasn’t in the side of its ally “ fatah “
The United States of America waged an international campaign to cut all the relations with the democratically elected government of hamas along with threats to stop all its financial aids to the Palestinians as a penalty for choosing hamas. So the standard form of democracy in the Middle East is to empower parties relevant to the White house point of view and accept to work according to its dictation.
The American sins in the Middle East has increased to tha axtent that we can hardly bear it or forgive it.
I can no longer abridge the U.S.A to its original words but to and only to Unforgettable Sins of AMERICA
2007 June 18
by : Haitam altab3y
Unforgettable Sins of AMERICA
Baghdad, 21st of march 2003, few minutes before midnight, zobayyda an Iraqi female has made its last scream before giving birth to Ali
Few minutes later the building was among the first ones bombed by the American Air Force in the beginning of the operation called “ the SHOCK &terror “ to – as the American administration claimed – liberate Iraq from the tyrant regime led by Saddam Hussein. 9 hours later, Ali was the only survivor of the building .Ali for his dramatic fate has become orphan since his first moment in the life. Especially, that his father is out of reach since the 9th of April the day Baghdad has fallen in the hands of the so-called allied forces.
Ali’s fate was dramatically connected to the occupation when his father was recognized in the first photos released about the
Notorious abo ghareb jail. Rashed hawary’s human rights was severely violated, he was obliged to appear naked in many photos taken by the inhumane American soliders. The American soliders killed their time by killing all the humane customs and conventions. Putting your feelings in consideration, I can’t go on narrating more of these terrible violations.
Still in haroon al rashed homeland, Abeer Genaby only 16 years old, was rabed by 6 free human American soliders at a black night in March 2006. Fearing that their crime can be revealed, the soliders attacked the victim’s house, killing all her family in a shameful massacre. The attack was put in the frame of chasing a member of terrorist group. after the scandal details was revealed, the American forces offered 100 thousand dollars as a compensation to Abeer Family but the response was NO , Abeer’s uncle said that his relief is to see the soliders hanged adding that is his the real revenge he wait.
The American soliders not only rape the Iraqi land but extend its rape to the Iraqi bodies whether men or women…it’s not different. Raping itself is the objective
To similar circumstances, but out of Iraq…Mohamed Taha, a promising student in Gaza preparatory school was obliged to leave his education, go to search for a job to help his family who cant afford its life.
Financial resources have decreased dramatically due to the Israeli siege on Gaza. Mohamed Taha was regarded as genius boy among his colleagues, but now you have to great him by saying “OSTA Mohamed “as his current job is a mechanic assistant
Osama, Hend, Moataz, Noha, Mansour …Sorry my brothers your stories are very touchable than such a mention in my humble articles.
BUT WHAT MORE???? The United States of America sorry, the unforgettable sins of America has violated all the slogans it always calls for. After 4 years of occupation the situation in Iraq has deteriorated severely to the extent that we may witness a civil war in the coming months. The so called liberating operation led to nothing except to more tyranny, violence and violations of human rights. The only change - to be honest – is the actors themselves. Nowadays the violence is derived out of the American and shi’ .
Another issue is the situation in Palestine and the dilemma of Hammas government. Although the so called united states of America has supported free elections in Palestine and urged hammas to participate .it changed its attitude completely when the results wasn’t in the side of its ally “ fatah “
The United States of America waged an international campaign to cut all the relations with the democratically elected government of hamas along with threats to stop all its financial aids to the Palestinians as a penalty for choosing hamas. So the standard form of democracy in the Middle East is to empower parties relevant to the White house point of view and accept to work according to its dictation.
The American sins in the Middle East has increased to tha axtent that we can hardly bear it or forgive it.
I can no longer abridge the U.S.A to its original words but to and only to Unforgettable Sins of AMERICA
2007 June 18
by : Haitam altab3y
During reading this article …. I remembered … remembered wt I didn’t forget …. pain of our nation … when I read Ali’s , Abeer’s ,and Mohamed’s stories … I remembered also Zaki’s story in Egypt which full of poverty and human rights violations…. Ahmed in Somalia & 3abdallah in Sudan … but suddenly I discovered tht the article not talking abwt Arabians pain … it’s abwt sins of America (ma3lsh ba2a el bany2adam lesa sa7y w msh shayf odamo).. so I shelved all these stories about our pain and began to focus on the article’s idea …. I hear this sound in ma head abwt Hegemony , uni-polar system blah blah blah …. do u know wt .. I c tht’s not only American sin …. it’s Arabian as well… when we studied political science we shocked by our professor statement “ there is no morality in politics” ( 3aref enta sana 2ola wel a7lam el wardya w kalam da) we found tht u have to have power to gain the respect tht u wanna … we discovered that powr isn’t military force only… it was nice course actually .. ma 3alena … wt I wanna say tht the atrocious,inhuman,wolfish murder is a criminal but also his victim is a criminal. we always hate the wolf and pity on the lamb ,,, omg … I always hated this idiot, dumb and weak lamb… the wolf still wolf but it’s not completely his fault…. yes bush is a big moron and commit a lot of sins …. but we can’t say it’s his fault and we’ll be better isa after he leave the White house … as u said it’s the sins of America … and if there were no America , the world system would create another America with another name… it’s American sin … Arabian sin …. World sin …
actually there is a pic I can’t kick it out from ma head or let’s say dun wanna aslan… the pic of Arabian youth … I’m speakin abwt all of us … regardless the difference in the thinking ways or life styls ,,, ALL OF ARABIAN YOUTH …. we hate America but still adore it …we are so inconsistent…. the globalization just move in a one way street .. from America to the entire world… ok we r now feel that America is a (khod3a) but still like fast food …. omg we know a lot about Americans through mass media … u may watch a movie and laugh like a drain…. or cry ur heart out …the american citizen is that important person we laugh and cry with. we like “friends” and ocean's ,,, we like opera …
when we wanna hangin out we go to the cinema to c American movie then search for an American restaurant or café ….
but we still hate America .. we became without identity … we say tht we proud 2 be Arabians and proud of our history… but we don’t practice those words … ok I’m proud to be Arabian and hate America but I live the American style … cloths , food, cars , even festivals .. but dun forget that I hate America and proud to be Arabian !!!!!!!!
I think tht we need to change our way of upbringing so that we can find a new generation that truly proud 2 be Arabian… coz I think it’s out of our hand now to change ourselves …. Gandy did it b4… but I dun think we can change contemporary generation’s life style….
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